According to Jeffrey W. Baker:
> Is anyone using mod_backhand ( for load
> balancing?  I've been trying to get it to work but it is really flaky. 
> For example, it doesn't seem to distribute requests for static content. 
> Bah.

I just started to look at it (and note that there was a recent update)but
haven't got it configured yet.  I thought it distributed whatever it
is configured to handle - it shouldn't be aware of the content type.
The parts I don't like just from looking at it are that the backend
servers all have to have the module included as well (I was hoping
to balance some non-apache servers too) and it looks like it may
be difficult or impossible to make it mesh with RewriteRules.

The mod_jserv load balancing looks much nicer at least at first
glance, but of course that doesn't help for mod_perl.   
    Les Mikesell

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