Alvar Freude wrote:
> > I have a problem with Embperl and session tracking:
> >
> > The stored values seem to be different for each running httpd, the
> > session data seem to be not stored globally / shared between all the
> > running httpd. I tested it with a simple counter, and it counts up until
> > a next httpd handles the request and then the counter of this httpd is
> > used, I guess. But thats not good for session tracking ... :-)
> sorry, my failture, the problem is solved: I only REstarted apache
> indtead of stopping him completely and starting a new one.
> Now it works!
> But another question: does Apache::Session removing old session data
> from time to time or should I do this manually?

You should do it manually, or preferrably via cron or similar tools.


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