On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:

> (with appropriate changes to unload DSOs after shutting down perl, of
> course).
> I still get memory leakage - that's not terribly surprising - but it is much
> less.  It's on the order of about 24K/restart and is probably the fault of
> some module - my guts would be DBD::Pg.  I'll play around with that later. 
> It's small enough to show that the idea is workable.
> Restarts are also a bit slower, unsurprisingly - there's a lot more to do.

right, that's one of the reasons restarts are a noop for mod_perl by
default (not including dso-magic)
> Then we have the fact that this currently removes PerlRestartHandler
> functionality and goes far beyond PerlFreshRestart.  Those are a big issue -
> those will HAVE to work differently depending on whether or not mod_perl is
> a DSO.  If not, they can continue to work as before, but if it is they will
> never be invoked.
> I'll clean up the patch and fire it off later this weekend, if Doug doesn't
> get a chance to look at it before then.

Doug is slowly crawling back from the death flu :-/
I'm think about releasing 1.22 as it stands in the cvs tree, since it's so
long overdue, and bang out the dso issues from there.  as much as I want
to cure the dso problems, I don't want to introduce new problems the
currently stable static configuration.

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