Tested successfully with:

# Mod_perl testing...
# Send Webmaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) e-mail when 'events' occur...
<Location />
    PerlLogHandler Apache::LogMail
    PerlSetVar     LogMailto  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    PerlSetVar     LogPattern \.(cgi|htm?|shtm?|txt)$

using Apache::LogMail.pm  -
# From: Mod Perl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Subject: Somebody looked at /~kryan/guestbook.txt
# Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 08:14:23 -0400
# At Thu Aug 27 08:14:23 1998, a user at looked at
# /~kryan/guestbook.txt using the Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; I; Linux
# 2.0.33 i686) browser.
# The request was GET /~kryan/guestbook.txt HTTP/1.0,
# which resulted returned a code of 200 OK.
# 462 bytes were transferred.

package Apache::LogMail;
# File: Apache/LogMail.pm

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;

    my $mailto = $r->dir_config('LogMailto');
    return DECLINED unless $mailto;

    my $filepattern = $r->dir_config('LogPattern');
    return DECLINED if $filepattern
       && $r->filename !~ /$filepattern/;

    my $request = $r->the_request;
    my $uri     = $r->uri;
    my $agent   = $r->header_in("User-agent");
    my $bytes   = $r->bytes_sent;
    my $remote  = $r->get_remote_host;
    my $status  = $r->status_line;
    my $date    = localtime;

    my $server_name = $r->get_server_name;

    my $from = $r->server->server_admin || "webmaster";
    local $ENV{PATH}; #keep -T happy
    unless (open MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t") {
        $r->log_error("Couldn't open mail: $!");
        return DECLINED;

    print MAIL <<END;
To: $mailto
From: mod_perl httpd <$from>
Subject: Somebody looked at $uri

For FCCJ Virtual WWW Server: $server_name

At $date, a user at $remote looked at
$uri using the $agent browser.

The request was $request,
which resulted returned a code of $status.

$bytes bytes were transferred.

    close MAIL;
    return OK;

                                          Thx! -Sneex :]
Bill Jones * Systems Programmer * http://www.fccj.org/cgi/mail?sneex

                                   ('>   Running -
                                   //\   Perl, Apache, MySQL, PHP3,
                                   v_/_  Ultra 10, LinuxPPC, BeOS...

> From: Bill Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 12:02:51 -0500
> Subject: Re: Compiling mod_perl as a DSO?
> After much fighting - 2/3 success  :/  Better than nothing :]
>> Server Version: Apache/1.3.12-dev (Unix) mod_perl/1.21_01-dev
>> Server Built: Jan 31 2000 10:55:04
>> API Version: 19990320:6
>> Run Mode: standalone
>> User/Group: sneex(69)/69
>> Hostname/port: insecurity.org:80
>> Daemons: start: 5    min idle: 5    max idle: 10    max: 150
>> Max Requests: per child: 0    keep alive: on    max per connection: 100
>> Threads: per child: 0   
>> Excess requests: per child: 0   
>> Timeouts: connection: 300    keep-alive: 15
>> Server Root: /usr/local/apache
>> Config File: conf/httpd.conf
>> PID File: /usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.pid
>> Scoreboard File: /usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.scoreboard
> Integrating PHP4 is my next battle - wish me luck...
> Thanks to all who helped!  -Sneex-  :]

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