----- Original Message -----
From: Joshua Chamas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: Can't upload binary file (Apache::ASP sample)

> So first, I might use a sysread(FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET)
> call to slurp the binary into a scalar, then if you want to print
> it, try a $Response->BinaryWrite() as shown at:

I have to save file at server, and as response simply make link to it (<IMG
I've tried to use sysread & syswriteb but result remained the same: 0x20
instead 0x00... :((

> If you want to make your example above work, try setting OUT
> to binmode, with binmode(OUT), before you write to it.

I'm sure that file uploads - filesize is the same, but content differs...
and this code works fine at local machine:

if ((open IN, "<in.jpg") && (open OUT, ">out.jpg")) {
  while (<IN>) { print OUT $_; }
  close IN;
  close OUT;

so I think all trouble is in $filehandle.. no I'm SURE!
that code works perfectly fine on test data, and there is no mess with 0x00
and 0x20!

i've read something about filehandles at
http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/cgi_docs.html#upload_caveats - that
it must be obtained throug different package - like that:

      $file = $query->param('file to upload');
      $file = "main::$file";

but I don't know what package I have to use...

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