The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to news.groups as well.

>>>>> "jiminy" == jiminy  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

jiminy> Mod_perl is becoming a widely used method for developing
jiminy> dynamic web pages, superceding in many ways CGI. While
jiminy> discussion of it appears in a scattered fashion in CGI, Perl,
jiminy> database, server, and other newsgroups, there is no unified
jiminy> place to pose questions and hold discussion about mod_perl
jiminy> where mod_perl is the proper topic of the forum. Such a forum
jiminy> would benefit the communicty of web developers who are using
jiminy> mod_perl.

The mod-perl mailing list (at [EMAIL PROTECTED]) does not yet
have excessive traffic.  Perhaps it is a bit hard to find, but the
statement "there is no unified place to post questions and hold
discussion about mod_perl where mod_perl is the proper topic of the
forum" is a blatent lie, and therefore an insufficient precondition.

If this is your only motivation to create a news group, I would vote
no.  When the mailing list traffic gets excessive, it's time to start
a newsgroup.  That has not yet happened.  In fact, the creation of a
newsgroup would cause the *dilution* of expert eyeball time on a given
issue, and would therefore be *detrimental* to the mod_perl community,
because some experts would choose to read only the mailing list, and
others would choose to read only the newsgroup.

No.  Bad idea at this point.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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