hi David!

 i remember that i couldn't get Sybase to work with Apache::Session b/c the
prepare statements use placeholders. you cannot use placeholders with a text
field in sybase. from the DBD::Sybase docs:

         Note that IMAGE or TEXT datatypes can not be passed as
         parameters when using ?-style placeholders, and ?-style
         placeholders can't refer to TEXT or IMAGE columns.

 if you got past this problem, please tell me how! i'd love to see this work!


> Dear Mr. Baker:
> I am trying to use Apache::Session module with a Sybase 11 server, but can't get it 
>to work. I think the problem is with the a_session field type. I tried with text, 
>varchar, varbinary, and binary types but without much luck. Can someone give me some 
>help on this, or point me to the right direction? Thank you very much!
> Here is the error message from the error log.
> [Tue Feb  8 11:33:16 2000] [error] Magic number checking on perl storable failed at 
>blib/lib/Storable.pm (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/thaw.al) line 214, at 
>/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Session/DBIStore.pm line 198
> ---------------------
> David Huang
> Macquarium
> 404-554-4214
> ---------------------
> David Huang
> Macquarium
> 404-554-4214

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