Matt Sergeant wrote:
> >
> >    This would be cool. However, in at least a few cases, the PHP docs leave
> > something to be desired. I remember looking up the Oracle connect calls for
> > PHP online once (for 3.0), and having people hold a debate about how a
> > function really worked, because the docs were wrong, but no one really
> > knew what was right--one guy would say, "I think it really returns THIS,"
> > and another would respond with, "No, I think it returns THAT." Gives you a
> > nice warm and fuzzy feeling about quality of documentation... :)
> Of course they could have just resolved it by looking at the source :)
> --
> <Matt/>

   Yeah, given enough scrutiny and/or experimentation, none of these sorts
of problems are difficult to solve, specifically. But it takes time to
sort all these things out, which is why having good, accurate 
documentation is a worthy goal. :) The page in question {I believe) is:

...if you're curious. :)

- Bill

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