> One big difference that I would point out is that despite its name
> HTML::Mason, is _much_ less HTML centric than Embperl.  It is a bit
> mod_perl centric but there is literally nothing HTML specific about it at
> all.  We've been talking recently about how to expand mason so that it can
> be used in any sort of context where you have a request (from STDIN,
> email, whatever) for content that you want filled by components.  From
> what I can tell, this is unlikely to be possible (or desirable?) with
> Embperl.

You are incorrect. HTML::Embperl is not HTML specific. It can be used just as
easily to process regular text files for anything from email to configuration
files. It does have HTML-specific features (such as dynamically generated
tables) but you don't have to use these if you are working with plain old text

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

I strive for greatness but will settle for mediocrity. -- Jason Bodnar

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