Posting in the hopes it helps others out.  Caveat empor thou, i've
only tested bare functionality nothing more so far!

After various headpounding exercises trying to get mod_perl integrated
into the Irix freeware perl5.00503 and freeware apache (1.3.9), I've
found the magic incantation that made rld stop bitching about
unresolvable symbols.  A tip o' the wizard's hat to Alan Burlison for
the discussion[1] in the apache+mod_perl+solaris thread that gave me
the lead on the incantation.  Like Solaris, Irix has a way to preload
or override library linkage, it's just called a different name --

tcsh> env _RLD_LIST=/usr/freeware/apache/libexec/\

Alert readers will note that I mention apache 1.3.12 in the subject
line, yet allude to the freeware 1.3.9 apache.  I need o32 (as opposed
to n32, the default 32bit code) binaries to link against the Oracle
libs I'm using for DBI::Oracle, so I simply built & installed 1.3.12
using the freeware config.  I can't see any reason why the use of
_RLD_LIST couldn't be used to create a mod_perl against 'stock' irix
freeware apache & perl, which are compiled n32, thou.  (if anyone has
leads on *supported* n32 Oracle libs, I'd love to hear about it.
Recompiling umpteen bits -o32 gets tiring.)

[ and sorry, i'm not on the modperl mailing list, so mail direct if
you're looking for a response from me. ]




--------------------------------------- _ ----------------------------------
 Chan Wilson                ___    __  (_)   Principal Systems Administrator
 cwilson at       /',__) /'_ `\| |       Enterprise Network Services
 +41-32-843-3760          \__, \( (_) || |           Cortaillod, Switzerland
 Vnet 476-3760            (____/`\__  |(_)
                                ( )_) |    

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