> I tried to find a general mailing list for perl, and I searched Deja and
> www.perl.com, and I found nothing, so I thought I'd try this mailing list.


You may have already gotten other emails like this, but just in
case you haven't ...

You posted your question to the mailing list for a very specific
Apache module called "modperl".  It's not a generic Perl mailing list,
as it is intended only for questions and discussions concerning this
Apache module.

Yoy probably will not get very much help in the "modperl" list ... and
may very well be asked somewhat unceremoniuously to go elsewhere with
generic Perl questions because "modperl" is a heavily used list and
there is a strong desire to keep the bandwidth down.

If you haven't already, you should probably start looking in ...


... for pointers as to specific Perl installation questions.  Also,
there's a usenet newsgroup called "comp.lang.perl.misc" which is the
official "home" of Perl on the net ... but the people there will
pretty much insist that you first will have perused the FAQ's before
posting a question which might have already been answered many times.

Good luck!

> [ ... ]


- Lloyd

 Lloyd Zusman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 perl -le '$n=170;for($d=2;($d*$d)<=$n;$d+=(1+($d%2))){for($t=0;($n%$d)==0;
 $x=0;map{$x+=(($_>0)?(1<<log($_-0.5)/log(2.0)+1):1)}@r;print $x'

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