On Sat, 1 Apr 2000, Jaime Teng wrote:

> How do you make perl script (either on Linux+Apache+Mod_perl
> or in NT+IIS4 environment) make a "Connection: Keep-Alive".

Set the Content-Length header or play with the Transfer-Encoding:
chunked thing.

>From ap_set_keepalive in http_protocol.c.

    /* The following convoluted conditional determines whether or not
     * the current connection should remain persistent after this response
     * (a.k.a. HTTP Keep-Alive) and whether or not the output message
     * body should use the HTTP/1.1 chunked transfer-coding.  In English,
     *   IF  we have not marked this connection as errored;
     *   and the response body has a defined length due to the status code
     *       being 304 or 204, the request method being HEAD, already
     *       having defined Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding: chunked, or
     *       the request version being HTTP/1.1 and thus capable of being set
     *       as chunked [we know the (r->chunked = 1) side-effect is ugly];
     *   and the server configuration enables keep-alive;
     *   and the server configuration has a reasonable inter-request timeout;
     *   and there is no maximum # requests or the max hasn't been reached;
     *   and the response status does not require a close;
     *   and the response generator has not already indicated close;
     *   and the client did not request non-persistence (Connection: close);
     *   and    we haven't been configured to ignore the buggy twit
     *       or they're a buggy twit coming through a HTTP/1.1 proxy
     *   and    the client is requesting an HTTP/1.0-style keep-alive
     *       or the client claims to be HTTP/1.1 compliant (perhaps a proxy);
     *   THEN we can be persistent, which requires more headers be output.
     * Note that the condition evaluation order is extremely important.

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