> (Off topic again, but lots of people here are using reverse
> proxy).
> For a while I had 'ProxyRequests On' in my httpd.conf mistakenly
> thinking that it was necessary to make ProxyPass and mod_rewrite
> proxying work.  Then I noticed entries in my logfile where
> remote sites were sending full http://requests to other
> remote sites.  I've turned off the function, but the requests
> keep coming in, mostly appearing to request ads from somewhere
> with referring pages in Russia and China. 
> Is this a common practice and what are they trying to accomplish
> by bouncing them through my server? 

Yes it is very common practice, and so is scanning for open proxies
on ports 80, 8080 and 1080. Here's a link to a list of open proxies
and a faq that explains their use.



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