> > I've been working on the mod_proxy code today, and it appears to me
> > that it already has this functionality.  It has an apache array
> > (really a null terminated link list I'm pretty sure) of proxies it can
> > access.  You just have to make multiple ProxyPassReverse declarations
> > and it will go through that list.  The only thing is it *should*
> > traverse the list randomnly... right now it traverses it linearly I'm
> > pretty sure.  Anyhow I'm adding that stuff Josh asked for.
> Yes, I knew it had some way of spreading load, but I don't think
> it has any way to detect dead hosts.

Ah... yes you're right about that.  It will keep trying them.

> > The link to the guide that explains how to use this features is:
> > www.apache.org/docs/misc/rewriteguide.html
> Thanks - I've seen this but never quite followed the details of
> rewritemap all the way through.  The balance set configuration
> of mod_jserve seems easier, but it still needs to mesh with
> mod_rewrite anyway so that might not be worth changing.
> > If I misconstrued what your asking for (likely) could you explain
> > further what mod_proxy doesn't have that you need?  Maybe I'll
> > implement it after I do the other stuff.
> The missing piece is that if a host fails (at least if the
> connection is not accepted) and you have defined alternates
> it should mark the failing host dead and retry the request
> on one of the others.  Mod_jserv has a timed task that checks
> for hosts coming back up and a user interface to display status
> and manually mark hosts down.  This becomes slightly complicated
> by the fact that all of the httpd children need access to the
> status, but maybe you can re-use the jserv code.  I think it
> should work to just have a configurable timeout on the proxy connect
> before you consider a host down and a configurable time before
> it will try that one again (unless they are all dead...) so
> you wouldn't need the scheduled task to check status.

Yes, that makes sense.  Maybe I'll add it.  I'm doing a little work on
that section right now, and I'll think about it.  The problem is the
configuration isn't really conducive to this at the moment.  In fact
it's got two little funny ways of asking for proxy connections.  The
module needs to be re-written... well, a lot of it anyhow.  Redoing
the main handler function is really where a lot of this functionality
could be added.  The code that is underneath is really a bear..., but it
"works right", and theres no need to change it for the stuff we want
to add, so I'm a little reluctant to tear it apart just yet.  Anyhow,
I'm getting too sleepy to finish this off, so tomorrow.  (I have to
admit that this functionality your speaking of is probably the coolest
thing about the JServ engine..., with a little tweaking mod_proxy
could give us that..., but a lot of it's sort of patched up if you
know what I mean at the moment)


>   Les Mikesell

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