> Everything gets slowed down some by context switching, but my point is
> that a long request doesn't hold up short requests in the same way if you
> are processing in parallel.  Also, if all of your requests are n seconds
> long, and you process 10 of them that arrive at the server simultaneously,
> the parallel model makes the last request finish about the same time as
> the first, as opposed to finishing 9 * n later than the first.
> - Perrin

Right, and this is true in the original posters case.., because he
said he had 60 daemons of Mysql opened up.  So each of those mod_perl
threads must have a couple of mysql connections open, so you are
probably right..., he is partially CPU bound, but also io bound, so
his 8 processes was probably dead on.  I didn't think about that for
some reason... I guess I have a one track CPU bound mind :-).


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