On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Adi wrote:

> Joshua Chamas wrote:
> > How many writes and session ties per second does this system
> > handle, and what kind of db are you using.  Currently the NetApp
> > NFS file sharing approach seems to max out around 40 Apache::ASP
> > style session creations per second.  This involves writing to a
> > central internal session for session tracking, and the creation of
> > the relevant db files.
> > 
> > I ask because I'm looking at going with your approach to handle greater
> > loads, and wondering where you max out at with MySQL/Oracle (?), & what
> > kind of hardware you are running.
> > 
> > -- Joshua
> I don't have any exact figures, but it is very high.  I run MySQL on a
> single processor Linux box with a 500Mhz K6-2 with 128M RAM.  Even if it's
> <40/sec on that hardware, it is a scalable solution.  All decent DBMSes are
> multi-threaded and scale with number of CPUs.  Is the NetApp NFS approach as
> scalable ?  I don't know enough about it to compare...
> Sorry for not providing exact benchmark numbers..

It ought to be a lot higher than 40/sec on that hardware.  On low class
hardware a year ago, I was getting number an order of magnitude higher
than that with the database on the local machine.  See here:



PS: I love epigone because it produces wonderfully pronouncable mangled

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