Michael hall wrote:
> You make me sound ancient :-) When I started at the UofM (1971) it was
> Fortran 77 [...]                                          ^^^^
Eh?  :-)

Fortran IV, maybe.

> theory, algorithms, style, etc., just dry examples out of text books.
> Lot of good any of that does me these days, things like Perl, C, weren't
> around (or at least I never heard of them) and not much use for Fortran
> or Pascal these days, I guess it was still valuable for the experience
> though.

Hey, Pascal is still as good as it ever was and quite close to C in its
structure.  But you can really write good or bad code in any language.
I wrote some Fortran stuff back in my early daze (around '81 or so) that
I would still claim.  I really find that lately I just pick up a language,
without really trying.  I just think about the algorithm, not the language.
Then I use the best constructs in the language to get the job done.

Perl does have some good constructs for Web work, too.  I've been writing
a webstore and some stuff is really convenient that would be inconvenient
in C.  On the other hand, there's some stuff that I just wouldn't use Perl
for, like, say, a system daemon, and there's other stuff that I _can't_ use
it for, like in the kernel.

So you just use the best tool for the job.  And like someone said, you can
write crap code in _any_ language.
Frank Mayhar [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.exit.com/

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