On Mon, 8 May 2000, Mark D Wolinski wrote:

> I don't mean to rain on the parade, but...
> The more important number would be to look at the number of unique IPs,
> which has only moderately grown.  I installed mod_perl this weekend on my
> main server to start testing it, etc.  Netcraft, of course, reports that
> I've got mod_perl, which may be reflected in the next updating of the
> mod_perl chart.
> But, since the number of unqiue IP's hasn't grown as much as the number of
> unique hosts, the chart just appears to say that some virtual host providers
> installed mod_perl on their servers.

I think this is a bigger deal than perhaps you're making out... It doesn't
matter to me how many single IP addresses get mod_perl - if the number of
virtual hosts is going up with mod_perl on, that translates directly into
more people having access to mod_perl, and more "servers" with mod_perl
on. Whereas more IP addresses really doesn't tell you much - especially if
an ISP hosts 200 hosts or more on 1 box!


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