On 09-May-2000 Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Mon, 8 May 2000, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
>> On a fresh restart of apache, my processes are about 20 ~ 25 MB each,
>> which is about normal for mod_perl (as far as I know).  However,
>> within a few hours (with little use except by our development team),
>> the size is up to 40MB, and by the end of the day up to 60, 70, even
>> 90MB each.
> You're probably doing something that is causing certain variables to have
> temporarily large values.  As always, start with the guide:
> http://perl.apache.org/guide/performance.html#Memory_leakage
> You should also make sure you're doing the usual pre-loading and other
> suggestions from this section of the guide.  You may find the section in
> the camel book on optimizing for size useful as well.
> - Perrin

Ok, I'm going to go check that out right away.

Could this have anything to do with it?

[Tue May  9 09:39:50 2000] [error] DBI->connect failed: ORA-00604: error occurre
d at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin) at /
var/rubberoven.com/lib/nmSql.pm line 61

We're using SqlNet to connect multiple Linux web servers to Oracle running on a
Solaris box.


Wim Kerkhoff, Software Engineer
NetMaster Networking Solutions

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