On Tue, 9 May 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> As far as I knew Apache::Session has never even had anything to do with 
> cookies. It is a persistent storage mechanism where the session "handle" is 
> a uniquely generated ID.
> What you are interested in is a Session "manager" which understands how to 
> deal with the workflow around using a persistent storage mechanism. If you 
> want to play with a sample set of modules to do this you may visit 
> http://www.extropia.com/ExtropiaObjects/
> The SessionManager code hierarchy provides plug and play cookie, path info, 
> and hidden form variable session managers that wrap around a session 
> hierarchy (of which 90% is wrapped around Apache::Session as the persistent 
> storage mechanism).
> SessionManager's belong in a different hierarchy than Session because you 
> don't want to couple the storage mechanism to the type of data... eg 
> Someone may want cookies with file based essions, another person might want 
> path info with database sessions, and yet another person might want a 
> cookie based session with database storage. etc...

By the by, I have read through and used Gunther's SessionManager code, and
I heartily endorse it.  It is a useful piece of programming.  There is
also considerable documentation in book form.


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