hi all,

(i couldn't find any hints on this in the docs, so here it goes)

consider these two one-liners,

  perl -MCGI -MCGI::Cookie -e'$q=new CGI;print $q->param("foo")' foo=bar
  perl -MCGI=:standard -MCGI::Cookie -e'print param("foo")' foo=bar

it doesn't print "bar" as expected. it doesn't prompt me also for input 
when no argument is provided. i.e. it doesn't try to populate param()

it prompts only when i remove the -MCGI::Cookie. strange?

of coz i can use CGI->cookie to fetch and create cookies, but it 
doesn't make sense if i can't use these two modules together.

if they're really bugs, it may have potential problems with mod_perl
scripts when both modules are (pre-)loaded in Apache.


PS. my kit: perl-5.6.0/rh6.1

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