For one of our web services we ask people for a valid email-address to
access the service. Once the address passes an initial RFC822 check we send
a message to the user which contains an activation link. Once the user
receives the message and clicks on the link we consider the email address
valid and he/she can use the service. 
I'm simply blown away by the number of bounced/wrong/undelivered emails I
receive every morning. It looks like close to 50% of all emails get
returned to us for one or the other reason. Is it really possible that so
many people don't know their email-address, cannot type, have buggy
mail-gateways, etc. ?
I would really like to hear if other people have similar experiences and
knowing that this is a question with very high OT-factor feel free to send
responses to me directly rather than the mod_perl list. 


PS: TOOT = totally off-off topic

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