At 05:28 PM 5/15/00 -0400, you wrote:

>I use Class::Singleton in mod_perl apps with *no* problem
>whatsoever. In fact, it's pretty nifty to simply say:
> my $obj = $class->instance;
>anywhere in my application and have the object (whatever it is) simply
>pop up.

Well, after looking at the Class::Singleton class, I gave it a shot.  After
hacking away at a ChildInitHandler, this is what I ended up with:

package X::Y::Apache::ChildInit;

use strict;
use X::Y::DB::SingletonServices;
use Apache;

sub handler
    my $s = Apache->server;

    my $dbs = X::Y::DB::SingletonServices->instance(
                { uri      => $s->dir_config( 'DATABASE_URI' ),
                 userid   => $s->dir_config( 'DATABASE_USERID' ),
                 password => $s->dir_config( 'DATABASE_PASSWORD' ),
                 options  => { AutoCommit => 0,
                               RaiseError => 1,
                               PrintError => 0,
                               ChopBlanks => 1 } } );

    $s->log_error( "$$: Services object allocated, handle=$dbs" );


Perfect!  I now have access to my services object everywhere!

Thanks for the point at Class::Singleton.  I would have eventually written
my own, but with CPAN, what's the point?



Ken Miller, Consultant
Shetland Software Services Inc.

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