I'm still having trouble writing cookies while
using Apache::Sandwich (thanks Vivek for the
explination). Searching through the list archives,
I found an example from David Pisoni to add the
cookie to an image using the PerlFixupHandler.
It doesn't seem to be workign for me though..
I also tried using CGI (in the handler) to
write out the cooke with the same results. Here's
the snippet from httpd.conf:

<Location /images/header_top_left.gif>
        PerlFixupHandler Cookieme

And here's teh entire Cookieme module:

package Cookieme;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
sub handler {
        my $r = shift;
        $cookie ='cobrand=cobrand= ;domain=.hotwired.com;path=/';
        $r->header_out('Set-Cookie' => $cookie);
        return OK;

The image loads fine but no cookie. And no messages
in error_log. 

Any ideas?


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