> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Lehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 9:57 PM
> To: Doug MacEachern
> Subject: Re: global variables and reparsing question (low priority ;)
> On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 11:58:38AM -0700, Doug MacEachern 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > You must be kidding here!!! Using lexicals on package 
> level is broken??? If
> > > it is broken, then _why_ is it recommended programming 
> practise in perl (see
> > > perltoot for example)?
> > 
> > i'm not kidding.  i don't understand whay you mean by 
> 'using lexicals on
> > package level is broken'.
> here is my module, in very terse pseudocode:
> ==============================================================
> ===============
> package mymodule;
> my some"globals";
> sub functiousing someglobals {
> }
> now load other code (in some kind of xml) and compile it into it's
> package, UNLESS the package already exists.
> ==============================================================
> ============
> And this obviously breaks for the newly compiled code. The caching,
> unfortunately, is very important. Surely I could make an 
> exception when
> running under mod_perl with PerlFreshRestart, but that code 
> runs nicely in
> other environments, since the apache bits have been 
> abstracted away. Read
> below.

mod_perl sometimes requires special perl coding guidelines, due in part to
the way mod_perl works with and within apache.

For example, you shouldn't do things under Registry that are otherwise ok
and 'run nicely in other environments' like plain cgi - a fact that is well
documented and understood and, in the end, appreciated by the people who use
mod_perl.  that doesn't make mod_perl a dialect of perl, it's just the
result of how Registry works.  It's the same with PerlFreshRestart - you
can't separate mod_perl from the apache application environment which has
specific restart behaviors.

> > and, like i said, i realize that certain modules make 
> assumptions that
> > they will only be loaded once in the same process and that 
> re-parsing them
> > can uncover subtle problems.  but i still consider such 
> assumptions to be
> > broken.
> Sorry, but reparsing is never done by perl itself (it 
> explicitly says so),
> so mod_perl clearly is not acting like perl.
> So, in in the mod_perl dialect of perl, modules that work fine in perl
> magically break on restarts. 
> This is because mod_perl "restarts" by
> fooling the perl interpreter to think it hasn't seen _some_ 
> parts of the
> program(s) and tries to reload all on top of it.
> What's confusing here is the term "FreshRestart", which doesn't do
> anything like a "fresh restart".

actually, it makes perfect sense, if you think of it in apache/mod_perl
terms and not just perl.  you can issue a restart in apache, and for apache
your httpd.conf file is re-read and the changes applied.  however, your
modules will not be re-read and, thus, any changes will not be applied.
Hence PerlFreshRestart On attempts to make a mod_perl enabled apache behave
the way you intuitively want it to - reloading all the changes you just made
to httpd.conf and the modules that affect the way your apache environment
behaves.  It's a good idea that can, however, have some consequences.  and,
just like Registry, requires special coding attention should you choose to
take advantage of it.

> The reason this is important to me is not because I couldn't make an
> exception to my code for apache - it's the real world, so hacks are
> necessary in many cases anyway - but because what's broken is 
> mod_perls
> idea of "fresh restarting" by cheating the perl interpreter 
> rather than my
> code.
> Now that I know what's going on it's not a big deal, but if you call
> my code broken you should have rather good arguments on the basis of
> the perl language and protgramming, not because mod_perl does 
> some very
> undocumented things differently to perl itself.

perldoc mod_perl
the Eagle book
the mod_perl list archives

I've seen references to each of these in this and your related threads - the
documentation is there, you just have to take the time...

and, there's no reason to get real argumentative or defensive about any of
this, Marc - we're all friends here, in modest persuit of the same things :)


> -- 
>       -----==-                                             |
>       ----==-- _                                           |
>       ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann      +--
>       --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
>       -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\       XX11-RIPE         --+
>     The choice of a GNU generation                       |
>                                                          |

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