    For those who've obtained the Win32 mod_perl/Perl
binary (version 0.6) at ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/
in the last few weeks, there's a few things that
may be of interest:

- thanks to a pointer by Daniel Lange to a patch for
mod_info for Win32, I've placed at the above ftp site
the dll for mod_info - this can simply be dropped into
C:\Apache\modules. Also at this site is the dll for
Tim Costello's mod_ntlm.

- the patch posted to this list a few days ago by
Jeremy Howard for an error about a "Bizarre copy of HASH ...":
In Carp::Heavy, change 'DB' to 'DB_tmp':
Line 39: while (do { { package DB_tmp; @a = caller($i++) } } ) {
Line 79: @a = @{DB_tmp::args}; # must get local copy of args

In CGI::Carp, change Line 257:
FROM: my $message = shift;
TO: my ($message) = @_;
also fixes a problem with both Apache-ASP and HTML-Mason
under Perl-5.6.0 of the (0.6) mod_perl binary. The minimal
prerequisites for both ASP and Mason are included in this binary.

- in the binary I forgot to include the apache icons
folder - these are now at the above ftp site. Also, in
C:\Apache\conf\httpd.conf-perl I neglected to change back the
<Directory "/Apache/htdocs"> directive pointing to DocumentRoot,
which has confused a couple of people.

best regards,
randy kobes

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