not sure i understand this completely.
i am assuming that you want embperl to work
for only part of your site - yet it is handling for the
whole site.  if that's not what you meant - perhaps you
need to rephrase.

first of all - i think you need to use:
<Files ~ *\.shtml$>

<FilesMatch *\.shtml$>

either change the extension for the embperl stuff only
such as:  *.ep


limit the embperl to a particular directory
<Directory /path/to/embperl/stuff>
   <FilesMatch *\.shtml$>

around the <Files ~ or <Filesmatch>

Robson Paiva Gomes wrote:

> Hi all, I Have problems to setup my apache with mod_perl 1.22 to run a
> perl script... I need to always execute one script that .com will be
> called archives with the extension. With HTML::Embperl (and mod_perl)
> is easy... in my configuration file, just add some lines (ex):  <Files
> *.shtm>
>                 PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_OBJECT_BASE base.shtm
>                 PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_FILESMATCH "\.shtm$"
>                 SetHandler perl-script
>                 PerlHandler HTML::EmbperlObject
>                 Options ExecCGI
> </Files>And always that I execute archives with the extension .shtm it
> calls base.shtm. But I do not want to use the EMBPERL. To put I did
> not find correct documentation on the subject. sombeone could help
> me? Thanks for any quick reply and regards from Brazil. Robson

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