I've posted this to the list two days before. Look for the thread 
"Strange thing about CGI::Cookie?".

All you have to do is put "$CGI::NO_DEBUG = 1" before CGI::Cookie->parse,
or in BEGIN {} if you prefer.

Trevor Phillips wrote:
> I'm getting in my Apache Error Log file:
>    (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)
> Thing is, this is from an Apache Perl module using mod_perl, not from a CGI
> using CGI.pm (as this line is printed to stderr when you supposedly run a CGI
> from the command prompt).
> Now, all I can think, is that somehow it's being triggered due to my use of
> CGI::Cookie, for creating cookies & such. The only operations I do are cookie
> ones: CGI::Cookie->new, and CGI::Cookie->parse, where the created cookies are
> used in the usual header_out to set the Set-Cookie header.
> So, I'm not referencing anything from CGI other than the Cookie stuff, which it
> says can be used independently of the main CGI stuff.
> Anyone have any ideas what's going on? Is it a stuff-up in CGI.pm? Or am I
> doing something wrong elsewhere I've missed? This problem has only manifested
> recently, probably to do with upgrades of versions (as well as other changes,
> such as a Solaris->Debian OS shift, etc...)

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