On Fri, 26 May 2000, Eugene S. Panenko wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry if it is an incorrect list to ask...
> I have a strange problem with mod_perl. I've tested mod_perl using a very
> simple scripts (one of them is attached). The network load is emulated via LAN
> using a special proggy. The problem is: under load above 20 requests per second
> after working some time (about 15-30 sec) Apache daemon stopts accepting new
> connections and blocks forever (without -X option httpd at this moment begin
> forking until it eats all resources) . I've found that the problem exists
> only when scripts use modules (tested with CGI v 2.46, IPC::Shareable, our own
> modules).  Test scripts without modules work fine even under load of 200
> requests per second.

what are the frozen server doing if you strace them?

does it make a difference if you move 'my(%accessed)' inside your 'sub
Main'?  you should do that anyhow to avoid the 'variable won't stay
shared' problem.

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