I've come upon a strange problem with my Apache/mod_perl configuration.
(Apache v 1.3.9  mod_perl 1.21)
When I attempt to preload Perl modules like FileHandle, Apache::DBI, DBI,
etc., the httpd process gets a segmentation fault and core dumps at startup.
I've tried using the PerlModule directive as well
as a PerlRequire and a startup file with the same results.
Here's the strange part.  If I start the server first, then modify the
configuration and *restart* it (not a stop and start) the modules load up
and work fine.
Anyone seen anything like this before ??   
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

Ralph Hughes                     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Systems Engineer                     334-260-3200
Anteon Corp.                            DSN 596-5631
Montgomery, AL


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