i've never used Apache::Asp, but i thought it was used to embed perl using asp
constructs.  what you have looks like visual basic which is microsoft ONLY
stuff.  it should say this in the intro to the docs somewhere.


Clement Law wrote:

> I get a 500 Internal Server Error when I try to run a ASP file.
> I'm using Windows NT Server. And the webserver I'm using is Apache V1.3.12
> with Mod_perl
> Perl: c:\usr\perl\bin
> ASP.PM: c:\usr\perl\site\lib\apache\asp.pm
> Other: c:\usr\perl\lib
> I'm using Virtual Hosts in Apache too.
> I have no clue what's the problem right now.
> this was the asp script I was trying to run, count.asp
> -= START =-
> <%IF IsEmpty(Session("TotalCount")) THEN
>   Call MakeCount
> End IF
> Sub MakeCount()
>   Dim FSO                       ' FileSystemObject

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