
I unfortunately still don't understood the API. How can I process e.g.
the URI in a normal perl script that runs under Apache - mod_perl.
I build Apache 1.3.12 (with DSO) and mod_perl 1.22 on Linux 2.3.35.

For example my script: start-page.pl


use Apache::URI ();

my $uri = $r->parsed_uri;

system("echo $uri >/tmp/uri_test");


The index.html has a <form action="start-page.pl" ...>...</form>. I want
draw out the userinfo of the URI. The access method is basic with

Next: How can I break a session from sever-side, so that a user who
still logged in (client Netscape) have to pass a new login procedure
with username/password, when he send a new request?

I beg your pardon if it is a simple question, but I'm new in this

Thanx in advance, Joerg.

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