On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 07:40:58AM -0400, Greg Estep wrote:

> I am using IBM's C complier (cc) under AIX 4.3.3 with Apache 1.3.12, 
> mod_perl 1.24 (statically linked, not DSO), perl 5.00503, and Embperl 
> 1.3b3.
> The "offline", "execute function", and "cgi mode" Embperl tests are 
> all successful. In the "mod_perl" mode, even the simple "ascii" test 
> fails.  It fails with a seg. fault and a dbx stack trace that looks 
> like this:
> ap_palloc() at 0xd1179d98
> EMBPERL__malloc() at 0xd1178b98
> EMBPERL_SetupFileData() at 0xd1177118
> EMBPERL_SetupRequest() at 0xd1177764
> XS_HTML__Embperl_SetupRequest() at 0xd116fcb8
> .() at 0x1004a344
> .() at 0x100536f0
> .() at 0x1002ff98
> perl_call_handler(??, ??, ??) at 0x10113f70
> perl_run_stacked_handlers(??, ??, ??) at 0x10113160
> perl_handler(??) at 0x10111d38
> ap_invoke_handler(0x2011f1f0) at 0x100c42bc
> process_request_internal(0x2011f1f0) at 0x100f4d6c
> ap_process_request(0x2011f1f0) at 0x100f648c
> child_main(0x0) at 0x10002d24
> make_child(0x200498e0, 0x0, 0x39363aa3) at 0x100025a0
> startup_children(0x2) at 0x1000248c
> standalone_main(0x4, 0x2ff228c8) at 0x10001928
> main(0x4, 0x2ff228c8) at 0x100014b0
> To get Embperl.so to successfully build I added "-b erok" to 
> LDDLFLAGS.  I also tried '-G' with similar results. Without the 
> modification to LDDLFLAGS I got several "unresolved symbol" errors.
> I also get similar results with Embperl 1.2b9, Apache 1.3.9, and 
> mod_perl 1.23.

I did not yet try to compile mod_perl into Apache statically, so I am
not 100% sure why you get unresolved symbols, it would be interesting to
see which ones are unresolved. There are actually two ways to do dynamic
linking under AIX nowadays, namely the classic AIX way that was
available since AIX 3.1 (uses export files like under Windows or OS/2)
and for System V compatibility the runtime linking style which more or
less is like ELF dynamic linking used under Linux or Solaris. Both
Apache and Perl are only doing the classic AIX style dynamic linking, so
you cannot use the Linker Option -G to turn on runtime linking for a
module, you must use the -bE:export file -bM:SRE options instead. The
option -berok may not be used with the classic style dynamic linking,
this is causing the segfault here.

Jens-Uwe Mager

HELIOS Software GmbH
Steinriede 3
30827 Garbsen

Phone:          +49 5131 709320
FAX:            +49 5131 709325
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