Drew wrote:
> Going by your previous example, you should use 
> $cookie = $r->header_in('Set-Cookie');

i actually prefer the headers_in after reading about it.
(personal preference and lazy to boot ;)

> You might also want to take a look at headers_in() (that's PLURAL). It
> is a little more flexible in retrieving values.

indeed it is. much preferred.

> I can't say off the top of my head. Have you read the mod_perl book?
> Chapter 6 is all about authentication & Authorization. Reading it might
> help you understand the concepts better. As for your code, I
> unfortuntely am not sure where to tell you to start.

you know, its really funny. We have the book right on our
shelf, but we are more a 'perl cookbook' sort (need an answer
then heres sample code). 

ANYWAY, I went to the modperl site and downloaded the code
for chapter 6, seemed to be sorta what I want, so I have hacked
the authenticate code to jst connect up using login & passwd
and then return ("") on success (almost the same).

I have also plan to take out the 'secret' (dont need that functionality)
and also add in ssl's at some point in the future.

Here is the clincher. 

When I run the Ticket code from chapter 6 i +always+ get the 
'no cookies' error. 

Now, the netscape here is 4.73 and it DOES have 'always accept
cookies' activated. I can set cookies on this browser without using
Apache code jsst plain CGI, so i thought it must be a configure
option missed at compile time. I read and as far as I am aware i
got evrything in there (EVERYTHING=1 and lots of ACAPI modules)
but i DIDNT install mod_usertrack from what I can see, but this doesnt
matter with 'ordinary' cookies only for click tracking right ?

So what could possibly be wrong ? The Apache test 'skips' the cookies
test on this platform (Stock Mandrake 7 linux + Perl 5.6 + DBI 1.13 and
Pg 0.93). hhrmm.

have i been an idiot here ;> 

thanks for the help btw,

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