dreamwvr wrote:
> hi Gerd,
> that was very much what i was looking for! hmm.. seems that perl is
> definately one of the most mem efficient langs whereas java is not.
> cool and definately great reading although "talk about detail!" this
> is good! Java has become acceptable for a compiled language. now here
> is a question i really am trying to understand. i really see java's
> greatest virtue of write once use anywhere being less sensational
> once perl becomes fully compiled lang. Well it will take some reading
> but definately is fascinating reading. Thanks!
My personal take:
Where (at least for me) Java has it's niche is client side, for  
applets and applications. But for this, 'write once use anywhere' just  
isn't true. Look at Java1.3 (which you really want to use for  
GUI-intensive stuff, though their event/keyboard handling is really not  
well thought out): Available on Windows. Period. In a year it *might*  
be out for Linux, and in maybe 1.5 years for FreeBSD (native). Mac?  
Probably not (other than OSX).

Server side it looks better, you don't need the GUI and so Java 1.1x  
is fine, and fairly available. But you can still write most things way  
faster in perl than in Java. And in my experience 'time to market' is  
way more importatnt than a program that 'looks cleaner' or maybe runs  
faster with less memory consumption. And it seems that speed/memory  
wise Java doesn't do any better than perl.

One advantage Java might have over Perl is that in a team environment  
Java is easier to maintain. It is not that easy to goof up in Java as  
badd as you can in perl, and there is just 'less language' to confuse  
your fellow developer with. But again this comes with a development  
speed penalty.


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