I have just updated the mod_perl quick reference card for mod_perl
version 1.24 and would be grateful for any comments and corrections
before I announce it more widely and put it in the normal location.

This draft version can be downloaded from:

    http://www.refcards.com/download/drafts/mod_perl-refcard.ps   (PostScript)
    http://www.refcards.com/download/drafts/mod_perl-refcard.pdf  (PDF)

Please don't link to these locations as the files will move when I'm
happy with them (and be replaced with A4, US letter and full page versions).

(Note that the fonts may be a bit strange on these cards, especially
on the PDF version).

Andrew Ford,  Director       Ford & Mason Ltd           +44 1531 829900 (tel)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      South Wing, Compton House  +44 1531 829901 (fax)
http://www.ford-mason.co.uk  Compton Green, Redmarley   +44 385 258278 (mobile)
http://www.refcards.com      Gloucester, GL19 3JB, UK   

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