Perrin Harkins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Jim Peters wrote:
> > Embperl does it all for you in that it recognises all the various form
> > input tags, and puts default values in for you if they are missing, by
> > whichever means necessary (value=, checking items, or whatever), using
> > values out of your %fdat hash.  This makes things very easy.  What I
> > was looking for was a similarly easy catch-all solution for Mason, but
> > it looks like I would have to code it all up by hand to do this.
> You could look into adapting HTML::FillInForm for this.  It isn't designed
> for use in Mason, but it seems like it could work.
> - Perrin

Isn't this what HTML::StickyForm is designed to do? It's still pretty fresh
(verison 0.02, I think), and it pretty small in size.


An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.

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