It's generally not a good idea to follow up a user action with a page
that doesn't change... The lack of feedback makes people very nervous.

Notwithstanding, you can accomplish this by sending back a Status: of
204 (No Change) and a content-type: of text/html -- with no entity
body.  The browser will leave the current page displayed, with no
indication of a reloaded anything.

Pierre-Yves BONNETAIN wrote:
>    Hello,
>    For my server, I need to write some script that will be 'regularly'
> triggered (GET or POST), but that will NOT send the user to another page. The
> user must stay on the same page he is, without ANY html being exchanged as
> a result of the script.
>    This will be used to change parameters on the user's session, but since
> those params will not affect the page the user is currently looking at, there
> is no need to send HTML back.
>    So, 1/ can it be done ? 2/ How ?
>    TIA,
> --
> -+-+ Pierre-Yves BONNETAIN (aka Pyb)
>      Consultant Internet/Sécurité --- B & A Consultants
>      Tel : 0 563.277.241 - Fax : 0 563.277.245

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