Drew Taylor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> > Yes, use a PerlFixupHandler instead of DirectoryIndex. This use of a fixup
> > handler is detailed in the Eagle book.
> Now that's a good thought. I already have a fixup handler to do my
> browser sniffing. But rather than write another module, I'll probably
> stick with the two-line RewriteRule. :-) Now I just have to recompile
> apache on my workstations because I didn't add mod_rewrite the first
> time...
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteRule ^/$ /index.pl [R,L]

What does that do to calls for for example, /?foo=bar ?  Slashdot does this
(they switch in the user id cookie, and redirect to either the static page
or the index.pl page based on that), and because of this, calls for
/?section=apache (for example) results in a plain index page, rather than
the Apache page.


It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when
it happens.
-- Woody Allen

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