On 10 Jul 2000, David Hodgkinson wrote:

> David Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > perldoc Devel::Peek and
> > perldoc perlguts
> Ok, done that.
> I'm still not clear as to what Apache::Leak is trying to tell
> me. Aside from the DESCRIPTION section of the man page saying "Under
> Construction" making it seem like you've just asked a high-school
> maths teacher a question and they do a "proof by waving hands around a
> lot".
> Hmm...let's look at Devel::Leak. Nope still none the wiser. I still
> can't see how to find out what I've actually leaked. 
> I've wrapped Apache::RegistryLexInfo round the script too. Yep, lots
> of output, lots of differences between the state of memory before and
> after a run of the script, but not much of a clue as to what's
> actually _leaked_.
> I'm not really sure if apparent leakage is really the result of code
> coverage and perl being smart about holding slots for variables
> open. In the case of using ab to exercise the default path through a
> lump of code being run under 'httpd -X':
> Iterations    SZ      RSS
> 1             17424   16088
> 100           17840   16296
> 1000          17840   16336 
> 10000         17840   16704
> So, this script doesn't look at all leaky, once it's been executed a
> few times.
> And yet Apache::Leak consistently tells me I've leaked between 15 and
> 25 SV's per execution.
> Any offers?

Sure - looks like you probably don't have any leaks. I tried chasing this
wild goose chase for a while too and ended up just stopping as I wasn't
actually leaking any memory, despite what Devel::Leak tried to tell
me. (this wasn't a mod_perl module though - just ordinary perl).


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