An automatic logout after a certain amount of idle time is one method.  Most chat servers automatically logout and disconnect idle connections, so emulating this may not be a bad idea.  There may be a way to detect that a user left the page, but if there is, I don't know about it.


 -----Original Message-----
From: Dimas Kotvan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 3:16 AM
Subject: Stop the script when the user leaves

Hi all. I'm from Braz
    I'm writing a simple web chat and trying to do that in mod_perl. The script is very simple, it reads a text file with the messages and print the messages in a frame. It enters in a loop that only ends when the user send a lougout to the script. The problem that i'm havingis that if the user simply leaves the pages without clicking in logout the scripts keep running and running and don't die. How can i detect that the user leaved the script?

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