<> "Patrick" == Patrick  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Patrick> I'm not sure what you mean by complete, but CGI::FastTemplate always
 Patrick> suited my needs. Of course there are many other solutions, like
 Patrick> others have told you : HTML::Mason (seems to be very popular),
 Patrick> etc...

 What I meant is a pkg that could generate all known HTML tags, not like
 HTML::StickyForms ... 
 But all of you guys changed my mind instead of hardcoding the html into my
 handler I'll try to investigate the use of templates files (I've too many
 choices over there). BTW the handler I'm currently writing could be of
 general interest, I'll try to release it to the public community one day so
 you'll all critisize it (or legalize it) ;-)

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