Is any of this header rewriting already on Ralf's TODO list for mod_rewrite?

Does it make sense to make mod_headers more complex? Or to add these 
features to mod_rewrite already?

Just throwing the idea out there.

This is an interesting module though.

At 09:56 AM 7/11/00 -0700, Tim Bishop wrote:

>I am running a 3-tier mod_perl setup as advised by the Guide:
>      Lightweight apache <-> mod_perl apache <-> db server.
>One of the problems with this setup is that the mod_perl apache no longer
>knows some details about the client request, like the client IP.
>I used Ask Bjoern Hansen's module proxy_add_forward, which adds a
>"X-Forwarded-For" header to to the request as it is forwarded to the
>mod_perl apache server.
>After I added SSL to my lightweight (but gaining!) apache, I found
>I needed some SSL connection information on the mod_perl server as well.
>I recently fell in love with mod_rewrite, and so I ported some of its
>capabilities to mod_headers
>The attached patch
>   (cd apache_1.3.XX; patch -p1 < ProxyHeaderRewrite.patch; make install)
>will add two commands to mod_headers:
>    HeaderRewrite       - dynamically set headers for the client
>    ProxyHeaderRewrite  - dynamically set headers for the upstream proxy 
> server
>While the original mod_headers would allow you so say:
>Header append Foo "burfl"
>Now you can say
>HeaderRewrite append Foo "%{ENV:BURFL}", using the full RewriteCond syntax
>My current lightweight apache server config looks something like:
>ProxyHeaderRewrite append X-Forwarded-For      "%{REMOTE_ADDR}"
>ProxyHeaderRewrite append X-Frontend-Host      "%{HTTP_HOST}"
><VirtualHost _default_:443>
>    ...
>    SSLOptions StdEnvVars
>    ProxyHeaderRewrite append X-SSL-Cipher "%{ENV:SSL_PROTOCOL} 
>Did I miss another way to do this?  Is this patch useful?
>the Guide on server architecture:
>Ask Bjoern Hansen's module proxy_add_forward

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

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