martin langhoff wrote:
> hi,
>         i guess once you've been playing with mod_perl for a while, you
> certainly installed perl, many modules, plus mod_perl, plus apache, plus
> many more things ...
>         I keep a personal list of all the modules I must d/l and install on a
> virgin OS, and the correct order, versions and params (if needed).
>         this helps me reduuce the time it takes to up/down-grade perl, for
> instance. or mod_perl, maybe. I guess we all should have a list like
> that, and it'd be useful to share it and cross-pollinate ideas/modules.
> A goal might be making a bundle of key components to install. And maybe
> make a srpm out of it, or a small perl script.
>         what do you think? is it already done? maybe all of a sudden I've got
> this oh so great idea just because I have not read the instructions to
> download the latest bundle from CPAN

Have you tried the CPAN shell - it has an autobundle command that allows
you to create a snap shot of all your installed modules, and then all
you need to do is install that bundle via CPAN shell on your new

As for the creating a collective one - I feel that apart from the Apache
bundles you may find little common ground on what people use.

Hope that helps

Greg Cope

> martin

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