> At the end of an httpd.conf that contains both perl and apache traditional config 
> I tried to list the resulting configuration (here only Locations and VirtualHosts).
> Only the material belonging to the perl section was listed. That puzzles me.

mod_perl only parses its own directives, such as <Perl> sections. Other config
directives are parsed by the modules that implement them, and are not seen by mod_perl.

> I tried an empty perl section at the beginning so that any tying magic would
> be active for traditional sections. To no avail.
> # stuff to dump the config.
> <Perl>
> use Data::Dumper;
>  print STDERR __PACKAGE__, "\n";  # gave me ApacheReadConfig (useful info)
> print STDERR Dumper( { Location => \%Location},  VirtualHost => \%VirtualHost );
> </Perl>

An easier way (from Eagle ch8):

 use Apache::PerlSections();
 print STDERR Apache::PerlSections->dump();


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