On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> > I have to say that I really enjoyed reading this. Especially since I was 
> > stuck halfway around the world and couldn't really go this year. :(
> > 
> > I wonder if the OReillyCon people would consider linking to this piece?
> I've offered it to MJD/JonO for www.perl.com - assuming they'll be running
> the same sort of thing as they did for YAPC.

mjd just wrote that they will.

Date: 26 Jul 2000 06:37:25 -0000
Cc: recipient list not shown:  ;
Subject: Would you like to do a very brief conference reoprt for perl.com?

I need conference reports from last week's big Open Source
conferences.  I've decided that it's boring to have one big
comprehensive report from one person, and that I like getting many
small reports from many different people.  This worked well for the
YAPC reports (http://www.perl.com/pub/2000/07/yapc19101.html) and
I'm doing it again.

If you're interested in contributing a report, please keep it short:
No more than about 300 words; that is a little longer than this
message is.  100 words is also fine; 400 words is not so fine. 

Don't try to cover the whole conference.  Try to focus on one or at
most two specific items that were interesting to you.  The items
don't have to be talks or other official events; you might write
about a conversation that you had in the hallway, or someone that
you met that you hadn't expected to meet, or what it was like to be
in Monterey. The only thing you should really avoid is vagueness.  
Don't say "I learned a lot at the talks."  Say "I sat next to
so-and-so at lunch, and she talked about this and that, which
surprised me, because..."

If you want to write a report, please send it to me by Friday night.
On the weekend I'll collate the reports I got and put them up on

If you weren't even at the conference and I sent this to you by
mistake, please read the next paragraph only.

Please forward this to anyone else you know who was at the
conference who might be interested in writing a report.



 - ask

ps. more pictures of Perl People at http://photo.tomat.dk/tpc4/
now... if you haven't seen a picture of Doug before then you should
take a look at http://photo.tomat.dk/tpc4/dsc_4696.html ... :)

ask bjoern hansen - <http://www.netcetera.dk/~ask/>
more than 70M impressions per day, <http://valueclick.com>

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