On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, darren chamberlain wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something to this effect:
> > On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 13:19:51   Joshua Chamas wrote:
> > >Until I write a VBScript to perl parser, yes you can only
> > >use perl under Apache::ASP.
> > Ok, so are you actually going to write a VBScript to perl parser?
> Has anyone considered using an approach similar to the one Damian Conway
> uses in Lingua::Romana::Perligata? This is from a talk he gave at the Perl
> Conference last week. Lingua::Romana::Perligata lets you write your code in
> Latin, which gets translated into Perl on the fly during the compile stage
> using source filters (see Filter::Util::Call). Using this method, you could
> write your code in VBScript (or use some older VBScript code), put the call
> to the source filter at the top, and (at compile time), it gets translated
> into Perl.
> THe advantage of this approach is that you could use existing VBScript
> code without modification (provided your source filter was sophisticated
> enough). The disadvantage is that you'd have to know VBScript pretty
> well to implement it.

Well you still have to implement a VBScript parser (Damian, of course,
implemented a latin parser), and the problem is that ASP is parsed by
Apache::ASP, not by perl, so you'd have to make use of the VB parser at
that point.


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