On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Geek Boy wrote:

> I've compiled: Apache/1.3.12 (Win32) mod_perl/1.24 in conjunction with 
> ActiveState's perl ver 5.6.0 (build 616) under NT... Unfortunately this does 
> not work. The mod_perl instructions are fairly easy to follow needed only 
> minor changes for my situation. The docs did mention that ActiveState's perl 
> is not supported, but with the latest builds it now compiles nicely. (No 
> more PERL_OBJECT). As soon as I tried to run the mod_perl tests I saw Apache 
> start with:
> Apache/1.3.12 (Win32) mod_perl/1.24 Perl/v5.6.0 running...
> followed by the immediate "Application Error" death of Apache - core dump.
> 2) In my very futile attempts I've got Apache up without an immediate core 
> dump. When Apache is asked for a URL that corresponds to a static HTML page 
> it will work. When a request is for a CGI, a script to be passed to 
> mod_perl, or even a directory that needs an index page created, Apache 
> immediately gives an "Application Error" and dumps and even static HTML 
> requests will not work after this.

I found this as well with ActiveState's build - certainly
there's progress with respect to not having PERL_OBJECT
to deal with, as now mod_perl does compile under ActiveState's
build of perl 5.6.0 (although I think Jochen Wiedmann also managed 
to compile mod_perl with ActiveState's build of perl 5.005_03, but
didn't get it to run). However, it does just exit immediately
with a fatal error - this probably has something to do with
the compile-time flags that ActiveState sets to enable fork
emulation, as a Win32 perl compiled without these flags leads to
a working mod_perl.

best regards,
randy kobes

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