>       I suggest you do some benchmarks.  I have, albeit many months
>       ago.  If I recall correctly, I took Yahoo's home page and ran
>       it through my HTML Tree and that of Gisle Aas: HTML was about
>       7-8 times faster.

I don't use Gisle Aas HTML Parser. Embperl has it's own. This parser maybe a
little slower then yours, because it's configuarble what it can parse. That
gives you very much flexibility with using custom html/xml tags. On the
otherside parsing is only done for the first request and then I keep the
parsed result. So if you do 1000 request to a page, the parser time only
counts on the first request. You may even do that parsing stuff at server
startup time (at least for often requested pages)

> > My point was, that the C implementation of parsering and DOM tree
> > storage/caching, is much faster (uses much less memory) then
> doing the same
> > in Perl.
>       ...and faster still with mmap(2).
I have already keeped that information in my mind (and in my bookmark list
:-). There is always something that could be done faster and Embperl 2.0 is
just starting and I know that there is more potential to optimze it.

Anyway, thanks for the hint with mmap. Maybe if I had knew about your parser
before, I had used it instead of creating my own one.


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