I can vouch for that.  We had a site running some distance ed software. 
The *nix version ran like a champ and would stay up and running for

The NT version?  Would require pre-emptive reboots to try and prevent
unscheduled system downtimes. Also, the server would just crap out
without rhyme or reason - nothing in the logs, no Dr. Watsons, nada. 
THe only way to bring it back to life would be a reboot because
stopping/starting services was ineffective.

Jauder Ho wrote:
> One thing to note is that IIS on NT4 leaks memory like mad on a high
> volume site so you will have to keep rebooting the boxes. The solution put
> in place required both Sun and NT machines and the Sun boxes were
> infinitely more stable (even though they were using *ugh* Netscape
> Enterprise Server). But IIS on Windows 2000 appears to be much better.

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